Payment Observer

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Mopay Adds Recurring Billing to its Mobile Payment Platform

By Martin Schuppelius

Payment Observer featured company can be found here at this website.

mopay is introducing a multi country recurring billing option for digital content to its mobile payment platform. The new features enable online merchants to offer subscription-based services to their customers. Mopay will gradually roll out the new capability across the majority of its connected countries within the next 12 month.

Online businesses that use the mopay recurring billing feature can offer regular subscriptions as well as temporary trial subscriptions that end after a defined period of time. Mopay offers customizable billing cycles for regular subscriptions; merchants can choose to bill their customers daily, weekly or monthly. The check-out process is the same as for single payments (enter the mobile phone number, receive a PIN via SMS and enter the PIN online); customers can trigger a recurring billing without going through another payment process.

Some of mopay’s clients such as Bigpoint have already implemented the new recurring billing option. According to mopay the feature has also resonated especially well with online dating companies.

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